Tuesday, September 22, 2009

40 days of Prayer starts Now!

40 people, 40 days

Invoking the special nature of one of God's favorite numbers of days to get something accomplished.

The mission of this effort is to humble ourselves to God's will.

The challenge at hand:
We have grown from 18,500 people seen in 2002 to over 48,600 people seen in 2008.
From 2008 to 2009, we have seen 42% more people this year due to the global recession.
Many people go hungry every night in Denver, over 52% of our clients are children.

The opportunities:
Our 7,500 square foot building has been so full for the last three years that we stack supplies up the walls.
The ACS Thrift Store has grown from $33,000 to $54,000 in the last three years.
We have grown from 68 volunteers to well over 225 over the last 7 years.

The request:
Please pray the prayer of Jabez or your favorite
Please pray for up to one hour per day for 40 days.
Please Post your comments about your prayer experience here in this document.